Provide service based on current standards, best practices, and fiscal sustainability.
- Draft and oversee contracts, following statutes and regulations, for design and construction of capital projects.
- Review appropriations annually to ensure authority is reverted to the appropriate fund balance in a timely manner.
- Provide agencies with essential and timely project budget information for agency monitoring and fiscal reporting requirements.
- Present to the legislature a single, comprehensive, and prioritized plan for capital construction.
Emphasize efficiency, reliability, transparency, and leadership.
- Complete construction projects within the time allotted in the contract and within the authorized budget.
- Advise the legislative and executive branches on the status of the Long-Range Building Program projects.
- Deliver buildings that are cost-effective, energy-efficient, affordable to maintain, and comply with current codes and standards.
- Advise on the funding levels necessary to maintain reasonable condition of state-owned facilities.
Build and maintain relationships to support effective government.
- Use a team-based, collaborative approach with agencies, architects/engineers, and contractors to maximize communication and efficiency in the implementation of projects.
- Increase operational effectiveness and efficiency; continue to reduce analog and manual functions
- Promote the transparent and responsible management of public funds
- Enhance the availability of timely information for better decision-making; reduce the time lag between requests and responses
- Advance facility analysis, database, capital planning, and project management