Architecture & Engineering

Building Montana


The LRBP Submission Portal is the place to begin developing your agency’s LRBP requests. Click on the tile on this page to access the portal. A&E recommends inputting all projects that your agency may be considering for the next Long-Range Building Program. A&E can then begin evaluating the projects and assist with developing a solid scope and estimate.

We have simplified the submission form to make it easier to input projects. Even if you don’t have complete information about a potential project, you can input it and continue to revise and update the information until the June 30th deadline.

Submission Portal Instructions

       Project Cost Calculator       

For questions or help with the Submission Portal, contact Steve Faherty, 406-422-2080


June 1st of odd numbered years through June 30th of even numbered years.

A&E begins accepting submissions after the close of the legislative session until June 30th of the year preceding the next session.

Yes. A&E will help determine if the project is eligible.

Yes. There are only a few required fields to begin a submission: Project Title, Location, and a brief description is all that is required. You can always return to the project and add information.

Anyone within your agency can create an account and enter potential projects. A&E will review all projects with your agency after the June 30th deadline to verify which projects should be in the final submission.

June 30th of even numbered years.

You can only see projects that you have submitted under your account.

A&E can provide a list of all project submissions in progress upon request.

A&E can also move submissions between users. If you start a submission and you need to move it to another user to work on or if you need to consolidate all requests under a single user, just contact A&E and we can move the projects.
