Architecture & Engineering

Building Montana


PDF Icon HPBS Document

The Department of Administration, through the Architecture & Engineering Division, establishes High-Performance Building Standards for the construction, renovation, and maintenance of public buildings in Montana as well as all new state-leased buildings.

High-Performance Building Standards are required for all new buildings and major renovations approved by the Legislature through the Long-Range Building Program.

A “Major Renovation” is a project which will increase the capacity, effect a major change in use, increase the efficiency or economy of operation, or extend the life of an existing fixed asset to a major degree.

The Architecture & Engineering Division manages projects that vary in complexity and scope. The Design Project Manager makes the final decision whether the HPBS apply on a project by project basis.

  • All State Projects shall exceed the International Energy Conservation Code by 20% above the baseline or to the extent that is cost-effective over the life of the building or major renovation as determined by the Contracting Agency.
  • All State Projects shall comply with the Owner’s Basic Requirements (OBR) described in the HPBS Exhibit A as well as comply with Article 1.3.A.
  • All State Projects funded or authorized by the Legislature greater than $10,000,000 shall achieve a LEED Certification of a minimum Silver level or a Green Globes Rating of a minimum Two Globes rating or equivalent certification level in other Appropriate Standard as well as comply with Article 1.3.A. The Contracting Agency in conjunction with the Department may determine, on a project-by-project basis, if third-party certification or rating is not feasible or appropriate.
  • If any requirements in this Article 1.3 are feasible for an applicable project and are attempted but not met, a post-project review shall be held to document the reasons why the requirement was not achieved. This document shall be archived in the final project closeout documents.

PDF Icon HPBP O&M-EB Document

PDF Icon HPBP O&M-EB Funding Commitement Form

PDF Icon HPBP O&M-EB Program Participation Form

The voluntary HPBP for O&M-EB has been developed in collaboration with the Montana University System and other state agencies in order to improve the capacity of agencies to address operations, repairs, maintenance, and utility usage of existing state-owned facilities.

The goal of the HPBP for O&M-EB is to support existing state-owned buildings in meeting or exceeding operational standards that are cost-effective and enable progress toward sustainability in the following areas that form the basis of this HPBP:

  • Optimizing energy performance
  • Enhancing indoor environmental quality
  • Conserving natural resources
  • Improving productivity
  • Reducing deferred maintenance backlogs
  • Consistent/continual improvements to building functionality, durability, utilization, and maintenance